Home討論區群組列表綜合討論 High DPI Web Sites
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  • High DPI Web Sites
  • 2006-5-7 7:9 點閱數:634(2017/12/31止) 張貼人:Michael Z.

    I`m very, very impressed that this sort of work is being done; Web Design is getting stagnant with people using just styled block-level elements to produce artwork. The incorporation of SVG into sites excites me a lot. How long do you expect it will take for this sort of technology to be widespread? Obviously you can only speak about WebKit realistically, but if it`s going to take ten years for IE Win to gain (full) support, we can`t design with it. I`m amused by the "Becoming more important" line in the first paragraph. This has been a HUGE problem for years - ever since HTML-2.0 was introduced to be more of a layout language and less of a markup language. For an example, you just have to look at this site. <a href="http://sexpartnersfinder.adults-dot.com/">sex partners</a> Why is all the text crammed over on the left side of the page with a big blank space on the right side? Why is the default font tiny and unreadable? Fortunately most browsers now let you override the latter problem.

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