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獨家專訪 美國髮藝雕髮師Jeremy Knott日期: 2013-3-19    類別: 人物專訪

美國髮藝雕髮師Jeremy Knott


How did you start art on hair?
In my late teens I started doing a lot more of my friend´s hair in my dad´s backyard, or in the kitchen for a few extra bucks. Most of my friends and I were artists, and so our creativity along our youth had us doing all kinds of different styles.

As an accomplished artist, where did you get your inspirations from?
要讓其他人馬上對於你的作品關注及欣賞最重要的就是,脫離自我平日的煩瑣事物,如網路社群、電郵、複雜的人際關係及金錢上的誘惑,我覺得透過研習其他藝術作品時,如果能夠感受到自我想法也跟他人作品有共鳴,是一個不錯的作法。 身為一個藝術家,我將藝術視為生活的部分,我會一直不停的利用機會來演練我的新思緒,並提升自我對藝術的了解。從周遭的花草、樹木,甚至是廢棄物都會影響我的感受;同時我的創作也會引發他人的一些感受,所以當我發現生活中有些聲音,視覺上的藝術、建築或詩集能讓我有共鳴時,那其實是相當奇妙的一種感覺。
It depends on the type of art Im trying to work on. Detaching myself from everyday thought, from the fabricated world of bills, relationships, emails, and social networks, and trying to engage with a piece of work that might inspire others takes a lot of energy and focus. I feel that studying things by other artists that might look alike, resemble, or feel like what ever it is that Im trying to accomplish is always a good start. As an artist, I try to make it a lifestyle. I try to keep in practice with ideas I have on what helps me better understand art. How anything I look at such as trees, trash, Rembrandt, or a rose all affect how I feel. Anything that I work on makes other people feel something. So how might anything through out my day affect how I feel through sound, visual art, architecture, poetry...etc. Im fascinated when I come across something that moves me.

Whats other thing in life that you do helps you constantly creates arts for hair or remain as a unique person?
我覺得藝術家們,尤其是我,對評論其實是非常敏感的,我想很多人投入藝術的創作是因為可以藉由創作本身充分表達自己的想法,而不是藉由花錢買衣服、鞋子等等的物品來突顯自我,雖然我可以欣賞一幅好畫或漂亮的建築,甚至是最流行的衣服,但不論你買了多昂貴的珠寶,並不能代表你的想法;反之,藉由文字 聲音和藝術創作,卻能明顯的表達你的想法,並也是人類最好的禮物,這也是為什麼我立志專研藝術創作。
I feel that artists, especially me, can be very sensitive to criticism. I think that most people dont engage in art simply because you are putting a lot of yourself out there when you express through your own creativity, and not through things that money bought, such as clothes, cars, shoes...etc. Although I can appreciate nice paintings, houses, and clothes, none of these, not expensive jewels or anything else purchased, can express who you are. I feel self expression through words, sound, and art is our greatest gift. And so I aspire to become better at this.

Whats your philosophy of life?
Life exists. My philosophies more apply to the connection of all life and energy. My attention is more given to our beautiful planet that is being destroyed everyday in so many different ways by human, and less on the different ideas in religion or social interactions that might help define myself. Pollution in the air, in the water, and on the land, are collectively destroying all forms of life by us, much faster than were being told to us. Humans own selfish daily desires, and need to fill a self conscious void is collectively destroying everything that my heart feels is beautiful here on earth. Im really not sure if thats a philosophy or a fact?

Whats the next goal you want to achieve?
My current focus is on education and bettering my own art. Im studying more about teaching, and my main goal is to book more jobs as an educator.

If you can travel through time, which year would you like to live in?
That definitely has to do with where you live as well. If I could pick a time and place, it would be early 1500s, Rome. I would spend all day trying to hang out with Michelangelo, or try to become his friend, or servant, or something..lol? As long as he was cool! And since he spent a lot of time in Florence, I would have to have a couch to crash on there too.

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