
特輯:2014年英國倫敦國際美髮沙龍展 10月12日(日)-Toni&Guy

TONI&GUYLexicon年度髮型系列,Salon Internation現場髮型秀

去年度TONI&GUY剛於Salon International慶祝完他們的50周年慶,而今年就開始全新未來的展望,就如同其他的沙龍團體一樣,將自己全新一年度的Lexicon系列發表問世!而這些創意的發想也就要從他們最重要的"未來基礎"經典手法而起!



在這系列中你可以見到很多事情的衝擊面,所有的特色展現在頭髮的長度與顏色的層疊!就像Roxy的豐盈金色以及70年度髮型表現在名模Kate Moss於Alexander McQueen 2014年夏日秀場上一樣,另也有I-Pop髮型的展現,表現出了非常個人的質感中長髮型


Toni and Guy Lexicon Comes to Life at Salon International

Last year Toni&Guy celebrated 50 years in business at Salon International; this year was a look to the future as the salon group presented their new Lexicon collection, as well as key looks from their Future Foundation collection.

With models also sent to the stage to demonstrate their new Label.M imagery and videos showcasing their 10 years as a sponsor at London Fashion Week, this really was a presentation about the scope of their work.

It also demonstrated the talent and depth of their Creative Team, as a who’s who of hairdressing took to the stage to cut and colour the Lexicon looks.

This was a collection with something for everyone from The Clash, which featured contrasting lengths as well as contrasting colours next to each other; to The Roxy, a luminous gold, 70s-inspired hairstyle with nods to Kate Moss’ hair for Alexander McQueen Summer 2014 and The I-Pop, a very personalised textured mid-length style.

(Text by :http://www.hji.co.uk/)
平面攝影:Reed Business Information Ltd.
Reed Business Information Ltd.英國國際美髮沙龍展
地址:Unit Four, 38 Baileyfield Road Edinburgh EH15 1NA
電話:020 8652 4213
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