Home時尚專欄TopArt亞太版髮型誌專訪 旅外亞裔設計師 Jitty Vasquez Dela Cruz

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專訪 旅外亞裔設計師 Jitty Vasquez Dela Cruz日期: 2013-3-25    類別: 人物專訪

專訪 旅外亞裔設計師 Jitty Vasquez Dela Cruz

國籍 : 菲律賓
僑居地 : 阿姆斯特丹 (荷蘭)
髮廊名稱 :Jittys hair and make up

Why do you choose the country you live now for developing your career?

I chose Amsterdam to further develop my career because firstly, I know a lot of Filipino people here already and that would be an easy base for me to start. Secondly, Amsterdam is one of the best cities in the world to live in and a melting pot of races.

As an Asian, whats the challenges or difficulties for starting your career at where you are?

I think language is the primary obstacle in the start. Better communication is always the key towards understanding your clients likes and dislikes. That is why I enroll myself first to a Dutch language school before I start my hairdressing business.

How do you establish yourself/brand or make yourself stands out in a competitive environment?

I established myself and my salon reputation by enrolling to the best Hairdressing Schools in London and Paris. I keep on sending my hairdressers abroad for seminars and workshops for the latest techniques on cutting and coloring. We also have a weekly salon training for Junior stylist to keep abreast of the new lines we develop.

Whats the highlights of your career so far abroad?

Winning the LOreal Color Trophy 2011 in Holland is one of the highlights of my career abroad. I will also be in Dublin in May for an Internationational worshop of Photograhers to do hair and make-up.

Whats your advice for newcomers who also want to live and work abroad as a hairdresser?

My advice for newcomers who want to live and work abroad is to prepare themselves for more handwork since it would be another work ethics from where they come from and be open to all possibilities while not losing their own ethnic identity.

Whats your next goal for upcoming career?

我的下一個目標,是在不久的將來成為第一位贏得了年度荷蘭美髮師獎的菲律賓人,並擴大美髮事業的版圖的在一本時尚雜誌上成為專欄作家。我希望我的答案能足以滿足各位讀者。再次,非常感謝 TOP ART 亞太版總編Frank的這個機會..!
My next goal for the near future is to be the first Filpino to win The Dutch Hairdresser of the Year Award and expand my hairdressing career as a columnist in a fashion magazine. I hope my answers are enough to satisfy your readers. Again, many thanks Frank for this opportunity.

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